Chintu Ji

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Google Pay International Send money money with limited scope

Google Pay International Send money money with limited scope

Google Pay International Send money money with limited scope

Google recently retired its former Google Pay application and with it the opportunity to send and receive money, at least on this old application and offer. To compensate for this, Google announces a new functionality from Google Pay that extends this money transfer feature beyond the United States borders. Unfortunately, as it is, it is a one-way street that has a very limited availability, at least as far as this first phase of the deployment goes.

Google Pay, formerly G Pay, started as a way to pay online services and purchases. As many of this kind, it finally incorporated a feature to send and receive money directly from users. Previously, it was called Google Wallet and then became Google Pay before finally being integrated with a single mobile portfolio system that we know today.

This last feature has survived the slaughter of the former Google Pay application, but some have always had worries about the retirement of the old application. To give Google pay another reason to embrace the new application, Google announces the ability to send money abroad. “Abroad” Here could be a term too broad because it starts only with Singapore and India.

To be more specific, only Google Pay users in the United States will be able to send money to other Google users pay in these two countries. This feature has been made possible with partnerships with Western Union and Wise, which is probably why it started in a very limited way.

Google says it plans to develop this blanket in more than 200 Western Union countries and more than 80 countries under wise before the end of the year. However, however, he says only when other users from other countries will be able to send money to others, as you can easily do with paypal’s tastes these days.

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