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5 of the best coffee substitutes

5 of the best coffee substitutes

Coffee drinkers, United! We love coffee – the aroma, ritual, flavor, boost energy, accent, crash, haze, agitation, hustle and bustle, huh? Sorry, what was it? Get me another cup of coffee, I just can not focus now.

There are so many things to love on the cafe but, unfortunately, we have become a little dependent on caffeine to make us, well … people. “Do not talk to me until my coffee” serves a big haha ​​on a t-shirt or cup, but in the real world that is a bit, good, unacceptable. How did we become a society if dependent on energy from an alchemy of bean water?

Our Western society has entered the self-care age. And we learn that productivity at the price of our mental and physical well-being is no longer really cool. We jump the roast midday for a yoga stream. Too much caffeine leaves us a little rigid, agitated, anxious and unable to relax. But when we became so comforted by a single cup of coffee … what can you do?

If you have noticed that coffee in raw quantities do not serve your personality, we have five coffee substitutes for you:

Mushroom changed

Shroomine in the morning? Yes in fact. The mushroom changed on birch and is incredibly good for us. Trees, man. But do not worry, this fungus is less hallucinogenic. What you can expect to receive is clean energy that reproduces caffeine. It’s also full of antioxidants!


It’s like an adult hot chocolate with a good job of caffeine. Cocoa caffeine is small, about 12 milligrams, but it also contains a compound called theobromine. Theobromine imitates the stimulating and energizing effects that we receive from a cup of coffee. This alternative to the café is ideal for day consumption because it is energizing energy will not follow you in the room at night when you are ready to relax and rest.

Green Tea Matchta

You could consider the matcha like this thing dear to coffee. But believe us, it’s more than that. Matchta tea is full of clean caffeine that many reports are responsible for a sense of energy whispered that does not train an afternoon crash. The manufacture of matcha at home can be an affordable way to replace your morning coffee routine.

 The traditional matcha is made with hot water, a whisk, a match (of course) and an alternative to milk / milk. It has a grassy and earthy taste that could take a while to adapt to but it’s quite delicious. Just think that you are not born loved the bitterness of coffee. You can also add a sweetener (like honey or agave) to give him a softer taste.

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is traditionally consumed in the countries of South America and is similar to its tea counterparts. Its popularity is increasing rapidly in the United States and can generally be found in large in many different grocery stores. Yerba Mate is a tasty tea (can sometimes be found carbonate) that offers hydration and caferation. It’s good for mental activity, reactivity and boosts of energy without crash. Sometimes people even use it instead of a pre-training!

Lemon water

Ready to go Voyou? Good old H2O with a splash of lemon. So many of us rarely get the amount of water we really need. When you are hydrated, your organs are competing on vacuum and your brain has more energy, and when you start your day with a glass of water encourages you to continue hydrate. When you are well hydrated, you burst with a natural and self-regulated energy to burn. The lemon offers a boost of vitamin-C and you can be creative with other strawberries and cucumbers.

At the end of the day

You want to feel good about what you put in your body – and you want what you put in your body to do good for you. Give some of these coffee alternatives, try to see what is possible for your habits. You could just realize that you do not need another cup of coffee after all.

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