Chintu Ji

Business, Health, Entertainment & Tech News.

the effects of artificial intelligence on human

the effects of artificial intelligence on human

the effects of artificial intelligence on human

Have you ever wondered what the effects of artificial intelligence on human might be? This is a very important subject as the future of the human race lies in technology. Personally I am very fearful of the effects of Artificial Intelligent computer software androids. Just the thought of an android with a brain, or even better robotic humans makes me fearful. Still, if we are to develop Artificial Intelligent computers androids they will be beneficial to mankind.

 |Have you ever wondered what the effects of artificial intelligence on human might be? This is a very important subject as the future of the human race lies in technology. Personally I am very fearful of the effects of Artificial Intelligent computer software androids. Just the thought of an android with a brain, or even better robotic humans makes me fearful. Still, if we are to develop Artificial Intelligent computers androids they will be beneficial to mankind.

However, what if we develop super-intelligent computers androids that have less than human intelligence? What if we have humanoid android computer systems with no emotions, with no concern for their fellow man or woman, which lacks all feelings including loyalty. We will have humanoids which are less than human in every way and very smart. Will mankind be better off with a supercomputer in every sense? I believe we will have a lot of trouble keeping humans docile if we do not teach them to be more self-aware of their own behavior.

In fact, we may have to teach them to be less self-aware. When you look at the way that humans behave toward each other, you can see that they are often willing to fight and kill each other to prove who is in control. Yet humans work together peacefully alongside one another. Does it follow that artificially intelligent computers will do the same? Will there be riots and insurrections when artificially intelligent, less human beings decide that they are the new boss?

Is it worth the risk? Do we really want to find out the answers to such questions? And if we find that the answer is yes we will have solved one of the greatest mysteries of our time and humankind will then have lessened their ability to deal effectively with other cultures. It is hard to imagine any kind of government which would tolerate the takeover of its human population by an artificial intelligent system.

In fact, what if we do discover that there was a human who had an artificially intelligent computer brain implanted in him. Would that individual be allowed a free will and choose to either work for the humans or against them? Would the humans tolerate that or hire a new person who might be more likely to help them in their endeavors? How about an artificially intelligent robotic android?

A robotic android could also be placed in every classroom in the world. If that system was programmed to be neutral and to serve all classes with utmost professionalism, then wouldn’t that be the greatest idea possible to create a more stable society? Think on this.

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